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Assembly Source File
2,087 lines
; --- Version 3.0 91-05-27 17:56 ---
; SPAWN.ASM - Main function for memory swapping spawn call.
; Public Domain Software written by
; Thomas Wagner
; Ferrari electronic GmbH
; Beusselstrasse 27
; D-1000 Berlin 21
; Germany
; Assemble with
; tasm /DPASCAL spawn,spawnp - Turbo Pascal (Tasm only), near
; tasm /DPASCAL /DFARCALL spawn,spawnp - Turbo Pascal (Tasm only), far
; ?asm spawn; - C, default model (small)
; ?asm /DMODL=large spawn - C, large model
; NOTE: For C, change the 'model' directive below according to your
; memory model, or define MODL=xxx on the command line.
; For Turbo C Huge model, you must give /DTC_HUGE on the
; command line, or define it here.
; Main function:
; function do_spawn (swapping: integer;
; execfname: string;
; cmdtail: string;
; envlen: word;
; var envp)
; C:
; int do_spawn (int swapping,
; char *execfname,
; char *cmdtail,
; unsigned envlen,
; char *envp)
; Parameters:
; swapping - swap/spawn/exec function:
; < 0: Exec, don't swap
; 0: Spawn, don't swap
; > 0: Spawn, swap
; in this case, prep_swap must have
; been called beforehand (see below).
; cmdtail - command tail for EXEC.
; execfname - name and path of file to execute.
; envlen - length of environment copy (may be 0).
; envp - pointer to environment block (must be aligned on
; paragraph boundary). Unused if envlen is 0.
; 'cmdtail' and 'execfname' must be zero terminated, even when
; calling from Pascal. For Pascal, the length byte of the string
; is ignored.
; Returns:
; 0000..00ff: Returncode of EXECed program
; 03xx: DOS-Error xx calling EXEC
; 0500: Swapping requested, but prep_swap has not
; been called or returned an error
; 0501: MCBs don't match expected setup
; 0502: Error while swapping out
; For swapping, the swap method must be prepared before calling do_spawn.
; function prep_swap (method: word; swapfname: string): integer;
; C:
; int prep_swap (unsigned method, char *swapfname)
; Parameters:
; method - bit-map of allowed swap devices:
; 01 - Allow EMS
; 02 - Allow XMS
; 04 - Allow File swap
; 10 - Try XMS first, then EMS
; 40 - Create file as "hidden"
; 80 - Use "create temp" call for file swap
; 100 - Don't preallocate file
; 200 - Check for Network, don't preallocate if net
; 4000 - Environment block will not be swapped
; swapfname - swap file name (may be undefined if the
; "method" parameters disallows file swap).
; The string must be zero terminated, even
; when calling from Pascal. For Pascal, the
; length byte of the string is ignored.
; Returns:
; A positive integer on success:
; 1 - EMS swap initialized
; 2 - XMS swap initialized
; 4 - File swap initialized
; A negative integer on failure:
; -1 - Couldn't allocate swap space
; -2 - The spawn module is located too low in memory
.model tpascal
extrn prefixseg: word
ptrsize = 1
.model small,c
% .model MODL,c
ptrsize = @DataSize
extrn _psp: word
public do_spawn
public prep_swap
stacklen = 256 ; local stack
; "ems_size" is the EMS block size: 16k.
ems_size = 16 * 1024 ; EMS block size
ems_parasize = ems_size / 16 ; same in paragraphs
ems_shift = 10 ; shift factor for paragraphs
ems_paramask = ems_parasize-1 ; block mask
; "xms_size" is the unit of measurement for XMS: 1k
xms_size = 1024 ; XMS block size
xms_parasize = xms_size / 16 ; same in paragraphs
xms_shift = 6 ; shift factor for paragraphs
xms_paramask = xms_parasize-1 ; block mask
; Method flags
USE_EMS = 01h
USE_XMS = 02h
USE_FILE = 04h
CHECK_NET = 200h
; Return codes
RC_TOOLOW = 0102h
RC_BADPREP = 0500h
EMM_INT = 67h
; The EXEC function parameter block
exec_block struc
envseg dw ? ; environment segment
ppar dw ? ; program parameter string offset
pparseg dw ? ; program parameter string segment
fcb1 dw ? ; FCB offset
fcb1seg dw ? ; FCB segment
fcb2 dw ? ; FCB offset
fcb2seg dw ? ; FCB segment
exec_block ends
; Structure of an XMS move control block
xms_control struc
lenlo dw ? ; length to move (doubleword)
lenhi dw ?
srchnd dw ? ; source handle (0 for standard memory)
srclo dw ? ; source address (doubleword or seg:off)
srchi dw ?
desthnd dw ? ; destination handle (0 for standard memory)
destlo dw ? ; destination address (doubleword or seg:off)
desthi dw ?
xms_control ends
; The structure of the start of an MCB (memory control block)
mcb struc
id db ?
owner dw ?
paras dw ?
mcb ends
; The structure of an internal MCB descriptor.
; CAUTION: This structure is assumed to be no larger than 16 bytes
; in several places in the code, and to be exactly 16 bytes when
; swapping in from file. Be careful when changing this structure.
mcbdesc struc
addr dw ? ; paragraph address of the MCB
msize dw ? ; size in paragraphs (excluding header)
swoffset dw ? ; swap offset (0 in all blocks except first)
swsize dw ? ; swap size (= msize + 1 except in first)
num_follow dw ? ; number of following MCBs
dw 3 dup(?) ; pad to paragraph (16 bytes)
mcbdesc ends
; The variable block set up by prep_swap
prep_block struc
xmm dd ? ; XMM entry address
first_mcb dw ? ; Segment of first MCB
psp_mcb dw ? ; Segment of MCB of our PSP
env_mcb dw ? ; MCB of Environment segment
noswap_mcb dw ? ; MCB that may not be swapped
ems_pageframe dw ? ; EMS page frame address
handle dw ? ; EMS/XMS/File handle
total_mcbs dw ? ; Total number of MCBs
swapmethod db ? ; Method for swapping
swapfilename db 81 dup(?) ; Swap file name if swapping to file
prep_block ends
; Since we'll be moving code and data around in memory,
; we can't address locations in the resident block with
; normal address expressions. MASM does not support
; defining variables with a fixed offset, so we have to resort
; to a kludge, and define the shrunk-down code as a structure.
; It would also be possible to use an absolute segment for the
; definition, but this is not supported by the Turbo Pascal linker.
; All references to low-core variables from low-core itself
; are made through DS, so we define a text macro "lmem" that
; expands to "ds:". When setting up low core from the normal
; code, ES is used to address low memory, so this can't be used.
lmem equ <ds:>
; The memory structure for the shrunk-down code, excluding the
; code itself. The code follows this block.
parseg struc
db 2ch dup(?)
psp_envptr dw ?
db 5ch-2eh dup(?) ; start after PSP
save_ss dw ? ; 5C - saved global ss
save_sp dw ? ; 5E - saved global sp
xfcb1 db 16 dup(?) ; 60..6F - default FCB
xfcb2 db 16 dup(?) ; 70..7F - default FCB
zero dw ? ; 80 Zero command tail length (dummy)
expar db TYPE exec_block dup (?) ; exec-parameter-block
spx dw ? ; saved local sp
div0_off dw ? ; divide by zero vector save
div0_seg dw ?
filename db 82 dup(?) ; exec filename
progpars db 128 dup(?) ; command tail
db stacklen dup(?) ; local stack space
mystack db ?
lprep db TYPE prep_block dup(?) ; the swapping variables
lcurrdesc db TYPE mcbdesc dup(?) ; the current MCB descriptor
lxmsctl db TYPE xms_control dup(?)
eretcode dw ? ; EXEC return code
retflags dw ? ; EXEC return flags
cgetmcb dw ? ; address of get_mcb
parseg ends
param_len = ((TYPE parseg + 1) / 2) * 2 ; make even
codebeg = param_len
; The following parts of the program code will be moved to
; low core and executed there, so there